Monday, May 7, 2012

Jumping right in…

I have jumped into this huge big pond of art journaling. I think I’m just managing to keep my head above water as it is overwhelming the number of ideas I have swimming around in my head.

The Joynal class I am taking with Jane Davenport is all about fairies and whimsical creatures. I altered an old storybook with gesso and collage:


and have done two ‘warm-up’ pages,

A face…

Veronica_joynal_warmup drawings_face

and a full figure…

Veronica_joynal_warmup drawings_figure

It’s still quite new to me to draw out my head like this, but I am so enjoying experimenting!

Hope you all have a magical week!



  1. Wow Vee! Those are magical! I love them, you really do have a talent! I wish I could draw like that!!

  2. Hi Veronica....popped over from Creativity in Flight....we are both doing Jane's class too...and you are on my friends list...should look at it more often... :)

  3. Beautiful blog Veronica! Looking in from Creativity in Flight.

  4. aww this isstunning and very beautiful blog

