Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today’s Tutorial : Crazy colourful crochet circles

Here’s a sneak peek of a project I’m busy with at the moment. In fact every moment when I sit still, I keep my hands busy with this.

I am crocheting loads of these colourful circles which will ultimately be sewn onto a long cushion for my daughter’s bed.

Now by “long”, I mean long- think the width of a Queen-size bed and then the height of a standard pillow.

I got the idea when we saw one in a shop recently, but it was simply too expensive - especially since I could make it! I’ll be making the cushion up in a lovely natural fabric- almost the colour of burlap (hessian) – perhaps a little lighter. I think it will look gorgeous with all those colours.

I’m almost done with all the crochet circles, and just as soon as I’ve finished straightening out my pigsty studio and found got out my sewing machine, then I’ll whip up the cushion. My daughter is hoping it’s before she changes her mind again on her decor scheme! - Remember the “orange” decor ?– well that’s evolving (thankfully) into a more pleasing  natural look finished off with these crocheted circles. Note- there is still splashes of orange in the circles –LOL!

After many a trial and error, I have finally figured out how to make these circles – (You’ll see some of mine aren’t ‘perfect’ – those are my trial and error ones which were kept anyway!! LOL). believe me, after you’ve made this many, you eventually figure it out!

If you would like to make these – here’s a tutorial how to crochet them :

(My first tutorial on crochet – so please forgive me if it’s not very clear- please ask questions if you need to! Winking smile

Red heartIf you click on any of the highlighted words, you’ll be redirected to a tutorial on how to do that particular stitch.

NOTE: In South Africa and the UK, we use the term Double Crochet instead of Single Crochet (US term). For the purpose of this tutorial, I’m going to refer to DC as SC – it’s easier as the tutorial I have found for you on the stitches refer to DC as SC. {hope that makes sense!}

I used a 4mm hook with Double knit yarn. (I think it was double knit- I’m no expert!-it’s just plain old ordinary wool – the thicker your yarn, the bigger your project will turn out.)

  1. Crochet 6 chains.
  2. Join into the first chain with a slipstitch to form a circle. Light bulbChain 1.
  3. Crochet using SC into the ring as many times as you can. (Probably around 6-8). Join the circle with a slip stitch.
  4. Chain 1.
  5. Crochet into each chain twice using single crochet (This is how you increase stitches).
  6. Join the circle again with a slipstitch into the first SC.
  7. Add a new colour in. Chain 1.
  8. Continue the next round with SC, but SC twice into every second chain. (First Row)This will ensure that your circle lies flat and does not curl up. Sun
  9. The next round, only increase into every 3rd stitch.
  10. The round after that, increase into every 4th stitch –and so forth.
  11. keep going until the circle is the size you would like. I have varied the sizes of my circles slightly and for further variation, here and there I’ve thrown in a row of DC (Treble – UK and RSA).

SunRemember : Join circle at the end of each round with a slipstitch and start each new round by chaining 1.

** NOTE : If there are too few or too many increases in a round, your circle will not lie flat. If it curls in, you have too few increases, if it buckles and gets wavy, you have too many increases.

Light bulbThere’s a really simple way to make an adjustable magic circle to start with – the circle is so much easier to control, especially in other projects when you need to add lots of stitches into a tiny centre circle. Watch the following video to see how:

FilmstripHere is a video I just found (after writing this entire tutorial –LOL) which explains really well how to make a “magic circle” and how to do the slipstitch at the end of each round to join the circle. It also explains exactly how and where to increase each round. Easy Peasy! Go take a look – you will be able to learn exactly how to do this without having to read instructions!

What I love best about these circles is just when I start getting bored with my circle, it’s time to end it off and start a new one. LOL- Not much patience here Smile with tongue out! Have fun!



  1. They are adorable, Veronica. I can't wait to see the whole thing put together. I so wish I knew how to crochet...unfortunately, I don't think I could even begin to try this project! Do you have anything in knit! LOL!
    Take care,

  2. ooohh fantastic....I thought the granny squares were addictive and fun..but these...know you've started something!!
    I shall have to have a go at this!

    I am terrible when it comes to shopping-I love buying cute things but so often I will see something and think "but I can make that" and so I hardly ever buy crafty things anymore! But it's good too, as you say, they can be so costly, especially the crocheted and knitted things because we all know how much time goes into them!

    can't wait to see the finished project!!

  3. Just wanted to say that I tried the circles but I didn't have a tutorial, I was trying it out of my head and I have one where there are no visible seams, I will try do a tutorial on it for you, will need to write down as i go along!

