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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friendship & Feathers

I love dressing up gifts decadently. Isn’t it more interesting and intriguing to receive a gift that is deliciously decorated -where that little bit of extra care has been taken to add something special?

I usually add some ribbon- this has to be a lovely fabric ribbon or twine - and usually more than one kind too.


Don’t you love these ribbons from Ebony & Ivory?

Then, depending on what I’ve wrapped the gift in, be it a pretty gift bag {with loads of colourful co-ordinating tissue paper!}, a beautiful box or simple gift wrap, I might add a handmade flower, or other embellishment. I always add a pretty tag to finish it off.

I have a huge stash of ribbons and embellishments in my scrapbooking supplies – seriously a HUGE stash! So I can whip up a pretty gift wrap in seconds. I sometimes find that it’s the tag that gets done in a hurry as I don’t have any ready-made ones on hand.

I discovered Kard Krazy recently and decided to jump in and take up the challenge to make a tag each Tuesday. This way I can make up a variety of tags and keep them in a little box and simply grab one when there is some gift wrapping to do.

This week’s tag’s theme is  friendship, here’s my little digital tag I made :


If you click on it, you can download a ‘png’ digital image which you can use for digital scrapbooking. Click on the following tag to download:

Free Printable :FreindshipTag_printable

Simply print it onto cardstock, cut it out, punch a small hole in the top and add it to a gift.

Graphics on the tag are from The Graphics Fairy. Font used : Travelling Typewriter.

Enjoy your Thursday!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Perfect Lady…


This morning I was browsing the web and stumbled upon this site. : I love those cute retro images of typical 50’s style homely housewives. So fun!

Way back when, ladies seemed to need instructions … take a look:


{aka – how to be the ‘perfect princess?}


{Gotta love the ‘dead fish’ description of this photograph!}

proper-smoking{Don’t you just love the lady on the bottom right? – No wonder she needed instructions!!? LOL- }

Of course, nowadays these instructions would end with the disclaimer “Cigarettes are dangerous to your health!”

Hope you all had a giggle! Have a great day!



Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day- stories to giggle at…

Shocking, I know! Yes I’ve been away from my blog for a while. Various reasons, but lately, no internet.

Here’s my little faulty internet story…… There were no ‘ADSL’ or ‘internet’ lights lit up on my modem. I reported it to our faithful “Telkom”, who sent someone out a few days after reporting the fault – yesterday in fact – yes on a Sunday afternoon!

Well the repairman was here for all of 5 minutes – when he pronounced it ‘working’. Huh? “What was wrong”, I asked. “Umm, the cable wasn’t plugged in at the wall properly”.

Again - “Huh?”. Yip, somehow the cable was not pushed fully into the socket in the wall! Next time I’ll check that first LOL!!

Well today is Valentine’s Day – hope you’re all having a love-ly day!

This morning my 9 year old son said to his dad:

“Dad this is the best Valentine’s Day ever!” “Why?,” he asked.

“Because I get to where ‘civvies’ to school and there are no girls at school!”

(Just to clarify, my son moved to a boys-only school this year and ‘civvies’ means they can dress in regular clothes- no uniform)
